Made for Watch + Jam 6, theme The Frontrooms

They found the Backrooms, they've been a nuisance and running all over the place and now they're doing the most horrible thing of all, they're moving in. 

They're trying to turn your home into an office. They keep sneaking in furniture when you're not looking. Throw it back out.

Right click to pick up furniture
Left click to throw

No winning, no losing, I ran out of time

Had a lot less time to make this than I expected but had fun and learned a lot of Godot basics

Known bugs
- Unable to pick up furniture halfway through doorway to hole
- Picking up stuff is a little unreliable
- Weird lagspike about 5 seconds after game starts
- Camera clips through walls
- Physics gets weird if you try to toss an object embedded inside the player

Assets used

Development log